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Showing posts from 2018

Midwifery Leaders Working Group @ Karachi

Midwifery Leaders Working Group @ Karachi.  A high power working group of Midwifery Leaders of Pakistan led by Midwifery Association of Pakistan (MAP) President Ms Arusa Lakhani, Dr Raf'at Jan-   Global Nurse/MidwiferyLeader & Ex-President PNC met in Karachi along with Sindh Chapters of MAP to chalk out Legislation and other strategies to boost up Midwifery in Pakistan as major factor to control alarming IMRs & MMRs in the country. The Midwifery Moot invited the Director Nursing Sindh to get acquainted with  Midwifery related latest developments, trends and issues in Pakistan and his support to assist the MAP from Sindh Government side. The Director informed the group that Health Department Sindh Government's Minister Muhtarima Azra Fazal Pechuho & Add Chief Secretary Health Dr Muhammad Usman Chachar's policy of supporting Nursing & Midwifery sectors in every possible way under their ambit and beyond. The Leaders were impressed by the Government's pol...

Dear Nursing Professionals of Pakistan!

In the respect of all who struggle for professional development of Nursing! By recognizing the dubious Private Sector Nursing Institutes (not fulfilling the very basic requirements) the authorities, unfortunately, have been putting into risk the lives of patients in the hands of fake licensed nurses violating the basic right of providing safe nursing care. This deliberate crime against humanity is being done in connivance with PNC Mafia and those fake institutes in Sindh. This Mafia-like network has become such strong that it has started dictating its terms even to Directorate of Nursing and Health Department Sindh by pressure, corruption and unnecessary court cases.  The recent protests, press releases against president PNC, and court cases against the Health Department Sindh, PNC and Director/Controller SNEB is a proof of this menace. Fake/Ghost/Nursing institutes have spread like franchise outlets where people can buy the Diploma/Degrees while sitting even abr...

JSMU-CON Karachi Visit

From left to right: Madam Afshan Nazli( (advisor JSMU), Madam Khair u Nisa (Controller SNEB), Prof. Tariq Rafi (VC JSMU), Sir Shabbir Hussain Jathial (DGN) During our visit to ascertain NOC from Sindh Government, we were pleased to observe the deep understanding, importance, and vision of the Vice-Chancellor Professor Tariq Rafi Sahib. Thanks for his hospitality and his generous offers for future collaboration with the Directorate and the SNEB. State of the Art facilities made available for Nursing College has are matchless as far as our few visits are concerned. We owe gratitude by the warm welcome by highly qualified faculty members Ass. Professors Ms. Rizwana & Mr. Santosh Kumar for their professionalism. Also, indebted to Ms. Afshan Nazli for her refreshing attitude and open discussion. We have very good wishes and intentions to see JSMC CON as a game changer in public sector Universities. / DNS & SNEB Sindh


With reference to their online applications, the following candidates whose Names & Roll Numbers have been given below are advised to furnish the requisite documents (attested with name stamp of attesting officer) as mentioned in Column No.4, within 15 days of placement of this Notice on FPSC website (latest by 03.01.2019), to determine their eligibility. It may, however, be understood that asking of requisite documents should not be inferred that these candidates have been pre-selected and that their eligibility in all respects in terms of advertised conditions shall be determined after scrutiny of their documents.:- The above candidates are also being informed through Registered Post Notices, SMS and email. In case any of the above candidates fails to furnish the requisite documents within the stipulated time or furnish incorrect/incomplete information, her candidature shall stand rejected. (Qamar Masud Kayani) Assistant Director (T&S-D)

Advertisement of Record-1096 posts of Staff Nurses through SPSC

Dear All Nurses/ Parents/ Students Assalamualikum and have a ve ry Good Day! Congratulations on the advertisement of Record-1096 posts of Staff Nurses through SPSC. It is confirmed & well-known policy of the Sindh Government to fill the vacant posts in all departments. Honourable Minister Health Dr Azra Fazal Pechuho & Additional Chief Secretary Dr Muhammad Usman Chachar Saab had directed all sections of Health Department to furnish the vacant position two months ago which is a matter of record. So this development is exactly according to a policy of Sindh Government on whose instructions, your Directorate is also working on to create 8000 more jobs of Nurses, LHVs CMWs and Nursing  Instructors. Thus, the credit goes solely to Govt of Sindh for these 1096 posts. Nobody needs to take credit. Neither Director nor any other person or Association. Of course, some protesters have contributed in the earlier announcement. Your Directorate recognizes them! so the supporti...

First Pakistan Nursing & Midwifery Summit 2019

Dear competent Nurse professionals, seniors , colleagues and  juniors AOA, Please be the part of the 1st Nursing & Midwifery Summit  Dear All,   The Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (NHSRC), Government of Pakistan is delighted to announce the “First Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Summit 2019” to be held on the 7th January 2019 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The summit is premised to highlight the importance of the Nursing sector, sharing of experiences from other countries, and how to further strengthen this sector in Pakistan. The summit is to be inaugurated by the Honorable President of Pakistan. One day Technical sessions will be conducted by National and International panel of renowned experts of Nursing and Midwifery professionals. The Agenda for the event will be shared in the coming days. On behalf of the Summit Secretariat and the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (Mo NHSR&C), Governm...

Transition from Diploma to Degree Programme

Taking a step forward for the smooth transition from diploma to degree programme, the  Director Nursing Sindh has written a letter to all Nursing, Public Health and Midwifery Schools of Sindh. The details are given below. Subject: SURVEY VISIT OF NURSING/PUBLIC HEALTH/ MIDWIFERY SCHOOLS It is to be informed that a Committee is constituted with the consent of competent authority to assess record and validate the needs and strengths of Nursing, Public Health and Midwifery Schools for transformation from Diploma to Degree Program in Nursing and Midwifery. The nominated Committees are required to begin the survey from 07-12-2018 onward. All the Heads of institutes/Universities are requested to facilitate the visiting team(s). DIRECTOR DIRECTORATE OF NURSING SINDH KARACHI Copy forwarded for information to: 1. Additional Chief Secretary Health, Government of Sindh, Karachi 2. PS to Minister of Health, Government of Sindh, Karachi 3. Registrar, Pakistan Nursing Coun...

محکمہ صحت پنجاب کا جنسی امتیازی سلوک

 تحریر: طارق نور آج پوری دنیا میں خواتین کے حقوق اور خود مختیاری کے بارے میں بات چیت کی جا رہی ہے جوکہ ایک اچھا قدم ہے۔ بہت سے نسائی لوگ اس کے حق میں بات کرتے ہیں جن میں سے ایک میں بھی ہوں۔ مگر جنسی مساوات کے جن اصولوں کی بنیاد پر ہم خواتین کے کے حقوق کی بات کرتے ہیں ان ہی اصولوں کی بنیاد پر ہمیں مردوں سے ہونے والے جنسی امتیاز کی بھی بات کرنی ہوگی۔  صوبہ پنجاب کے ہسپتالوں آپ کو بہت سی فیمیل نرسز تو نظر آئیں گی لیکن آپ کو پنجاب کے کسی سرکاری ہسپتال میں میل نرسز نظر نہیں آئے گے۔ جس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ حکومت پنجاب سرکاری  ہسپتالوں میں میل نرسز کو تعینات ہی نہیں کرتی۔ لہذا میل نرسز کی اکثریت صرف نجی ہسپتالوں میں کام کرتی ہے۔  آپ ہسپتالوں میں مرد، خواتین اور بچوں سمیت ہر قسم کے مریضوں کو دیکھیں گے. اس لئیے کچھ پروسیجر مرد مریضوں کو میل نرسز ہی کر سکتے ہیں جیسا کہ کیتھیٹرائزیشن (پیشاب کی نلکی پاس کرنا) وغیرہ۔ اس لئیے دیکھا جائے تو میل نرسز کی ضرورت بھی ہوتی ہے۔ لیکن میل نرسز کی سرکاری ہسپتالوں میں عدم موجودگی سرکاری ہسپتالوں میں بہت سے مسائل جنم دیتی ہے۔ دیکھا ...

نرسنگ طلبہ کے امتحانات کا معاملہ

------------------------------------ پرائیویٹ اسکولز کے سربراہان ، نرسنگ _اسٹوڈنٹس آور انکے _والدین گرامی_  اسلام علیکم و رحمت اللہ  گذذشتہ کچھ عرصے سے پاکستان نرسنگ کاؤنسل ، سندھ نرسنگ ایگزامنیشن بورڈ اور کچھ اسکول مالکان کے درمیان 400 طلباء کی حیثیت پر ایک قانونی تنازعہ چل پڑا، جسنے ان اداروں کو محتسب اعلیٰ اور ہائی کورٹ تک جا پہنچایا. جو اب سپریم کورٹ تک جانے کو ہے۔ لیکن آس سارے معاملے میں پڑھنے والے جینین بچے بھی متاثر ہو رہے تھے۔ ان اسٹوڈنٹس نے آج بورڈ میں آواز اٹہانے کے بعد منسٹر ہیلتھ محترمہ ڈاکٹر عزرا فضل پیچوہو صاحبہ اور سیکٹریٹ میں بھی اپنے معصومیت کی آواز اٹھائی. اس بات کو دیکھتے ہوئے ڈپارٹمینٹ نے ایز ڈائریکٹر نرسنگ ٹاسک دیا کہ والدین، متاثرہ طلباء کے جائز مسائل کے حل کےلئے، اداروں کے سربراہان کے ساتھ مل بیٹھ کے مناسب حل تلاش کیا جائے۔ اس پسِ منظر میں، 400 کے قریب متاثرہ طلباء والے اداروں کے سربراہان./ مالکان آور اسٹوڈنٹس اور والدین کے کسی ایک نمائندہ کو دعوت دی جاتی ہے کہ وہ کل ,4.12.18بروز منگل 10 سے 12 بجہ کے درمیان ڈائریکٹریٹ آف نرسنگ میں تشریف لائیں تاکہ متفقہ ...

نرسنگ کا درخشندہ ستارہ

تحریر :آصف خان امیرِ کاروانِ نرسنگ محترمہ امت الانیس کو مرحومہ لکھتے ہوئے دل مغموم ہورہا ہے۔ ایک شجرسایہ  دارجس کے سایہ عاطفت تلے کہیں نرسنگ کے طلبا و طالبات نے گزار دئیے ‘ اس مہربان چھائوں  سے اچانک  محروم  ہوجانامیرے لیئے ہی کیاان کے متعلقین میں سے کسی کے لئے بھی کسی عظیم سانحہ سے کم نہیں۔ میڈم امت الانس کی رحلت نرسنگ کا بہت بڑا سانحہ ہے۔اللہ پاک ہم پرہمارے بڑوں اور اساتذہ کا سایہ قاٸم رکھیں۔ کیونکہ اس سال ہم نرسنگ کے بہترین اساتذہ سے محروم ہوگٸے ہے جن میں پی کے چانڈیو سر سرور قادری اور اب میڈم امت الانیس  ۔ ان کی رحلت سے ہم اچانک ایک شفیق بزرگ اورسائبان سے محروم ہوگٸے ہے۔   آج ہرایک آنکھ اشکبار ہے۔وہ علم کے گلدستے کی مانند تھی آج جب انکا جنازہ اٹھا تو انکے طلبانےجنازے کو کندا دیا جو کسی بھی طور پراعزاز سےکم نہیں۔  یہ وہ ایک عظیم خاتون تھی۔آپ نے پاکستان  بننے کے بعد سب سے پہلے پاکستان نرسنگ فیڈریشن پھر اسکی رجسٹریشن اس کے منشور اس کے اغراض و مقاصد لکھےاور نرسنگ کے کریکیولم کو ڈیزائن کیا۔میڈم کی نرسنگ کے لیے گراں قدر خدمات تھی۔آپ نے میل نرسنگ کے ...

!‏اٹھو نرسنگ کی نسل نؤ

لومڑی  نما رہنما ‏اٹھو نرسنگ کی نسل نؤ! دیکھو کہ لومڑی  نما رہنما بھیڑوں کے بھیس میں لوگوں کو للچاکےـبہلاکے ٹکڑیوں میں بانٹ کے پیچھے ہٹا رہے ہیں ـ قیمتیں لگا لگا کے  بیچتے ہی جا رہے ہیں برسوں سے خود غرضی کی. رسمِ بد نبھا رہے ہیں جو تجھمیں آواز اٹھا رہےہںں سازشیں بُن کے جالیں بچھاکے  انکو دھمکا کے یا ڈراکے ـیا الزامی زنجیروں میں جکڑے گھسیٹتے لے جارہے ہیں ـ اور تم ہو کہ خالی منہ کھولے اب تک خواب غفلت میں ہو !؟ اٹھو گےدیر سےـ تو دیکھو گے! تمہارے منہ میں زباں نہ ہوگی بس ایک  حسرت رہ جائے گی تمہارے اندرکو کاٹتی جائیگی کیونکہ بھیڑوں کے بھیس میں بھیڑیے دندنا رہے ہیں. شکار کرواکے  نسلِ  نؤ کا کھارہے ہیں اور کِھلارہے ہیں. آور ہم نسلِ نؤ ؟ برسوں سے  انہی کے بچھائےدام میں پھڑپھڑاتے پھنستے جا رہے ہیں. شبیر حسین جتھال 

The Outbreak of Low-quality Nursing Institutes

"The outbreak of low-quality nursing institutions all over Pakistan will show its impact as poor performance, negligence, malpractices and maladministration in future Nursing Care ultimately increasing the morbidity and mortality rates, which are already at their peaks.  Those who are claiming that they will improve the quality of healthcare services are actually propagating illusionary messages in the nursing market, nothing else. Corruption is metastasizing in every department of government.” (Shair Muhammad Hazara)

2019 The Year of Nursing in Pakistan

2019 the Year of Nursing in Pakistan The representatives of Federal Nurses Joint Action Committee (F.N. JAC) held a meeting with Dr Nausheen Hamid (Parliamentary Secretary for National Health Services Regulation & Coordination)  on 20th November 2018. Besides discussion on the issues of federal nurses, Dr Nausheen Hamid reiterated the stance that the year 2019 will be celebrated as the "Year of Nursing" after the formal approval from Prime Minister Imran Khan.  Representatives of F.N.JAC with Dr Nausheen Hamid

فیڈرل نرسز کی پارلیمانی سیکریٹری سے ملاقات

آج مورخہ 20 نومبر کو فیڈرل نرسز جوائنٹ ایکشن کمیٹی کے ممبران نے پالیمانی سیکریٹری برائے صحت ڈاکٹر نوشین حامد سے ان کے آفس میں ملاقات کی۔ ملاقات میں پارلیمانی سیکریٹری کو فیڈرل نرسز کے  دیرینہ مسائل کے بارے  میں  آگاہ کیا گیا۔ نرسز کی پروموشنز، سروس سٹرکچر، الائونسز، نرسز کی کمی، سٹوڈنٹ نرسز کا وظیفہ، کانٹریکٹ ملازمین کی مسائل، اور اعلی پیشہ ورانہ تعلیم کے مواقہ جیسے معاملات پر تفصیل سے بات چیت ہوئی۔ اس کے علاوہ یہ بھی گزارش کی گئی کہ نرسز کے تمام معاملات میں میرٹ اور مقابلے کے رجحان کو فروغ دیا جائے تا کہ نرسنگ کے شعبے کے معیارات مزید بہتر ہو سکیں۔ مزید یہ کہ پارلیمانی سیکریٹری نے اس عزم کا اعادہ کیا کہ وزیر اعظم عمران خان سے باقاعدہ منظوری کے بعد اگلے سال کو نرسنگ کے سال کے طور پر منایا جائے گا۔  

Nursing Service Strecture Peoposed for Sindh Province

 ریسپیکٹیڈ سینیئر نرسنگ پروفیشنلز، ایجو کیشنسٹس، لیڈرز اور تمام اسٹیک ھولڈرز السلام علیکم گذشتہ تقریباًایک مھینے سے نرسنگ شعبے کے دیرینہ مسئلہ  سروس اسٹرکچر/فور ٹیئر فارمولا بحث کا موضوع بنا ھوا ھے جو کہ خوش آئند بات ھے لیکن افسوس اس بات کا ھے کہ اکثر لوگ وہ بحث کر رھے ھیں جو سروس اسٹرکچر/فور ٹیئر مارمولا سے نا واقف، نا تجربیکار ھیں اور بغیر حقائق  معلوم کیئے بغیر سوچ سمجھ کے اندھا دندھ وار کر رھے ھیں اور  گورنمنٹ کے پروپوزل %۳۵ پروموشن اور اداروں کی اسٹرکچر سے علیحدگی کے با وجود تعریف میں پھولے نھیں سماتے. جس سے یہ معلوم ھوتا ھے کہ یہ کسی اور کے ایجنڈا کے تحت بیس لیس بحث کر کہ اصلی پروموشن پرسنٹیج %۵۰ سے اور مڈوائفری اور پبلک ھیلتھ کے اداروں کو سروس اسٹرکچر/فور ٹیئر مارمولا میں شامل  نہ کرنے سے دھیان ھٹا رھے ھیں اور دوسری طرف یہ پروپیگنڈا کر رھے ھیں کہ ھمارے لیڈر تو بھت اچھا کام کر رھے ھیں لیکن یہ لوگ رکاوٹ بن رھے ھیں. پی این اے سندھ  نے اس سارے معاملے کو دیکھتے ھوئے حیدر آباد میں جنرل باڈی میٹنگ صوبائی نائب صدر بدر ابڑو کی صدارت میں ھوئی جس میں متفقہ...

فیڈرل نرسز جوانٹ ایکشن کمیٹی پریس ریلیز

 فیڈرل نرسز جوانٹ ایکشن کمیٹی کے نمائندگان نے آج  وفاقی منسٹر براۓ نیشنل ہیلتھ سروسز ریگولیشنز اینڈ کوآرڈینیشن جناب عامر محمود کیانی سے ملاقات کی۔ ملاقات انتہائی مثبت ماحول میں ہوئی۔ پچھلے ہفتے فیڈرل نرسز جوائنٹ ایکشن کمیٹی نے جو ڈیمانڈز وفاقی وزیر کو پیش کی تھی ان ڈیمانڈز کے سب نقاط پر تفصیل سے بات چیت ہوئی۔ وفاقی وزیر نے نرسز کے مسائل کو بغور سنا اور سب مسائل کے مناسب حل کا یقین دلایا۔ ان نقاط کے علاوہ نرسز نے یہ بھی ڈیمانڈ کی کہ وزیر اعظم کی نرسنگ ٹاسک فورس میں وفاقی نرسز کے نمائندگان کو بھی شامل کیا جاۓ۔ جس پر وفاقی وزیر نے یقین دلایا کے وہ وزیر اعظم سے اپنی اگلی ملاقات میں اس بارے میں گزارش پیش گے۔ اس کے علاوہ وفاقی وزیر نے فیڈرل گورنمنٹ ہسپتال کے ملازمین کی تنخواہ جاری کرنے کے احکامات جاری کئے اور کنٹریکٹ ملازمین کو مستقل کرنے کے لیے فائل موو کرنے کی ہدایت بھی  جاری کی۔

پاکستان نرسنگ کائونسل غیر قانونی نرسنگ اسکولز کی سہولتکار بن گئی

محکمہ صحت سندھ کے ایڈیشنل چیف سیکریٹری ڈاکٹر محمد عثمان چاچڑ کا لکھا ہوا وفاقی سیکریٹری صحت کے نام لکھا ہوا ایک خط منظر عام پر آگیا۔  خط میں بیان کی گئی معلومات سے لگتا ہے کہ سندھ میں موجود غیر معیاری میل نرسنگ اسکولز کو بند کرنے کے بجائے پاکستان نرسنگ کائونسل (پی این سی)  ہی ان نرسنگ اسکولز کی سہولتکار بن گئی  ہے۔ خط کے مطابق، سندھ میں 29 میل نرسنگ اسکول رجسٹرڈ ہیں۔ جبکہ دوسرے صوبوں میں میل نرسنگ اسکول نا ہونے کے برابر ہیں۔ ان 29 میل نرسنگ اسکولز میں سے 22 کے پاس کلینیکل ٹریننگ کے لئیے اپنے ہسپتال بھی نہیں ہیں۔  جبکہ، پاکستان نرسنگ کائونسل (پی این سی) کے 12 دسمبر 2009 کے نوٹیفیکیشن کے مطابق پی این سی کسی ایسے نرسنگ ٹریننگ اسکول کو رجسٹر نہیں کرے گی جسکا اپنا ہسپتال نا ہو۔ ٹریننگ ہسپتال کے بغیر 22 نرسنگ اسکولز کو رجسٹر کر کے پی این سی نے اپنے ہی قوانین کی دھجیاں اڑا دیں۔  سونے پہ سہاگہ یہ کہ پی این سی صوبہ سندھ میں ایسے ہی مزید 27 پرائیویٹ میل نرسنگ اسکول رجسٹر کرنے کو تیار ہے۔ جس سے ملک میں نرسنگ پروفیشن کا معیار مزید ابتر ہو جائے گا۔  ا...

Demamds of Federal Nurses Joint Action Committee (F.N. JaC)

Honorable Federal Minister, National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Islamabad Subject: Demands of Federal Nurses Joint Action Committee Sir, Most respectfully, it is submitted that we would like to bring the following long-standing issues of nurses working in different hospitals of Islamabad in your kind notice: 1.   Mess Allowance, Kit Allowance, and Nursing Allowance Equal to the Province s Despite high inflation rates in the federal capital, the federal nurses are getting mess (ration) and kit (uniform) allowances less than the provinces. Whereas, the nurses in the provinces are receiving Rs. 8000 (mess) and Rs. 3100 (kit). In addition, the nurses in the provinces are also receiving the nursing allowance. The copies of the notifications are attached. As the nurses settled in the federal capital are belong to far-flung areas of other provinces, therefore, it is requested that in order to survive in the higher inflation area, the allowances may be provided/raised...

امتحانات میں تاخیر کی وجوہات

SNEB Ke Mutaliq Kuch Ahim HaQaiq Jinko JanNa Bahut Zaroori Hy General Nursing Diploma Ke 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Year(MW) Ke Ilawah 12-Specialities Ke 10000 (Das Hazzar) Candidates Ka Exam Conduct Karwana Hota Hy. Har Sall Taqreebun Ek Lakh 1,00,000 Copies Ko Collect Karky Unko Assess Karwaya Jata Hy Jismen 100 Ke Qareeb Teachers Apna Role Play Karty Haen. Har Teacher Daily +,- 50 Copies Assess Karpati/Karpata Hy. Itny Teachers Ki Secreacy aor Efficiency Ko Bhi Manage Karna Parta Hy. Isky Ilawah Viva-Results Alug Bunty Haen Jinki bhi Entries Karni Parti Hy. Is Tarah Exams Ke Conduct Hony se Results Tuk Aprox 2,50,000 Do Lakh Puchas Hazar Entries Karni Parti Haen. Jub Isky Baad Board Aproval Deta Hy Tu Results Announce Kardya Jata Hy۔ Phir Ek Naya Issue Paeda Karaya Jata Hy:- Mazi Ki Broker Pass/Fail Mafia Network Failure Student Se Paesy Khany Ke Lye & Board Ko Uljhaky Rakhny Ke Lye Rumours Phaelaty Hn Ke...  Recounting Ke Forms Bhardo . Qyounky Controller Transfer Hon...

Bolan Medical Complex Hospital main "Best Nurse 2018" ki Taqrib

Bolan Medical Complex Hospital main "Best Nurse 2018" ki taqrib munaqad ki gai. Taqreeb ki Chief Guest PNC ki registrar madam Fozia Mustaq theen. Is taqrib me 3 nurses ko life achivement award, 2 ko best head nurse award, 12 ko best staff nurse award, or 2 ko best male nurse award se nawaza gaya. Is k alawa 190 nurses me meri certificate b daye gay hen. Taqrib se khitab karte hue chief nurse of Balochistan Faheem Abbas ne kaha k WHO ki decleration Health for All by the year 2030 k vision k mutabiq Pakistan me 2030 tak 10 lakh nurses ki zarorat he jab k is waqat mulk me 1 lakh se b kum nurses hain yani agle 12 salon me 9 lakh nurses ko trained karne ki zarort he jo k public sector k laya mumkin nai is laya private sector ko age ana chaye tak k mulk me nurses ki kami per qabo paya ja sakeFaheem Abbas ne mazid kaha k CPEC k hawale se Gawadar se Kashgar tak 24 naye hospitals or trauma center qaiam kaye ja rahe hain jin kam karne k laya 2022 tak hazaron nurses ki zarorat ho gi....

Congratulations New Nursing Students of Diploma in General Nursing – 2018 in Sindh

Directorate of Nursing Almost 1000 New Inductions both Girls & Boys purely on Merit is a big achievement of ( H ) Department Government of Sindh . This is the First Time that DNS & Public downloaded the Final List same time to make sure the secrecy and transparency. Till yet no complaint of any Broker Mafia Activity is reported. Due to Zero Tolerance against Corruption, the Government has handed over all his activities to NTS . I thank Dr Sikandar Ali Memon who always suggested best strategies to ensure Merit. Additional Chief Secretary Honourable Sir Muhammad Usman Sahib' s encouragement & Empowerment emboldened me to take independent decisions to set writ of the Government in maintaining merit and discipline in Nursing Sector that needs surgical operations to weed out culture of Broker Mafia from Nursing. Regarding issue of Inter/Matric anomalies in admission policies, the Directorate has already sought permission to bring some changes in Policy. Since last 3-4 ...

Staff Nurses vacancies through AJKPSC

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission has announced 204 vacancies of Staff Nurse (BPS-16) . You can only apply online on the website of AJKPSC:   Other methods for applying for the jobs are not acceptable.


RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF FIVE HEAD NURSES (BS-17),  PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (PIMS) ISLAMABAD  CAPITAL ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. The candidate whose Names & Roll numbers are given below have been  provisionally pre-selected and will be called for interview as and when scheduled; subject to  submission of attested copies (with name stamp of attestation officer) of documents mentioned  against them. The candidates have also been informed by registered post:

DGN- Sindh Statement after end of the Protest

DGN- Sindh statement after the end of the Protest Directorate of Nursing *********************** To, All Nurses of Sindh ! Thank God we witnessed a  peaceful end of protests at Karachi Press Club through dialogue   Sit-ins (Dharna) are terminal mode of protest for pressing the demands. These often turn unruly & violent . Some people did participate and some didn’t due to well known reasons.  It's the democracy- Agree to Disagree  Let's forget negativities now & start learning from both our failures and successes .  What we got and what we could not get is not a question for the time. The question is how we serve our people and get our lives on track again. Thus, all the protesting & Non Protesting nurses are advised to please start your duties with honesty & justice with the people on whose tax money we earn our livelihood for our children & families . Let's first do justice with the people who need our nursing care & support. Then, ...

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BSN at College of Nursing NICH: A Success Story Needed to be Replicated in Public Sector Nursing Institutes

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Difference Between Post-RN BScN & Generic BSN (Updated 2023)

Are you confused about the terms BSN, BScN, Generic BSN, Post-RN, BS Nursing, and BSc Nursing? We receive many questions about these terms at PKN. This updated post will clarify these terms, especially in the context of recent changes in Pakistan. In short, the Generic BSN is a degree program for individuals who wish to join the nursing profession after 12 years of schooling, while the Post-RN BScN is a degree program for nurses who already have a three-year diploma in nursing.  Generic BSN The Generic BSN is an ideal option for those who want to enter the nursing profession in Pakistan. Previously, another option to join the nursing profession was the 3-year diploma in general nursing. However, according to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan's policies, the diploma in nursing was phased out across Pakistan in 2018.  The Generic BSN is a 4-year degree program followed by a one-year internship. An internship involves practical nursing practice in a hospital u...

Rehana Elahi: Pakistan’s Oncology Nursing Pioneer and Visionary Leader

By: Shabir Hussain  The professional journey of Ms. Rehana Elahi from a Registered Nurse to her existing position as senior leadership at Shaukat Khanam Memorial Hospital and Research Center(SKMH &RC) is an inspirational story of consistency and eventual success in one's impeccable career progress.   Known to me as fellow PRN BScN student in Aga Khan University School of Nursing & Midwifery (AKUSONAM) way back in 1995-97, I can still reflect her character and traits as a passionate and focussed learner yet working with team with joyful spirit spirit despite challenging course demands of PRN BScN spearheaded mostly by foreign faculty from Canada and UK then. After a brief service with the Punjab Government, she left for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and then to UK for higher professional education.  It was in 2018 that as Director Nursing Sindh I met her in an strategic meeting under Federal Minister MoNHSR&C, where she represented the Prime Minister's ...

New Nurses Uniform by Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council (January 2024)

The Pakistan Nursing & Midwifery Council (PNMC) has introduced a new uniform dress code for nurses working in clinical settings across the country. The announcement, in an official letter from the PNMC dated January 31, 2024, stated guidance about professional attire of nursing staff in Pakistan. The new dress code approved during the 6th session of the council held from January 15-17, 2024, under the leadership of Ms. Farzana Zulfiger, President of PNMC, specifies new uniforms for male and female nurses. Female nurses are to wear a dark blue shalwar kameez with a nameplate, accompanied by a white coat and a blue scarf/dupatta. Male nurses are required to wear dark blue scrubs along with a nameplate. Category Uniform Female Nurses Dark blue shalwar kameez with nameplate, white coat or blue scarf/dupatta Male Nurses Dark blue scrubs with nameplate Health Departments across Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber P...

The Florence Nightingale Pledge

Courtesy: Sabir Mehno PIMS I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully. I shall abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and shall not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I shall do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling.

PNC Eligibility Criteria for Faculty Appointment in Nursing Colleges in Pakistan

The Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), ( now called the Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council or PNMC ) is the regulatory body for nursing education and practice in Pakistan. PN&MC notified the eligibility criteria for the appointment of faculty members in nursing colleges. The PNMC's notification, which was issued in August 2015 (vide letter number F-11-PNC-admin/2015-723), outlines the minimum qualifications, experience, and publications required for nursing lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors. In this blog post, we will discuss the eligibility criteria in detail and answer some common questions about them.  Q: What are the minimum qualifications required for a Nursing Lecturer position in a college of nursing according to PNMC?  A: The minimum qualifications required for a Nursing Lecturer position in a college of nursing are: Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife with Post RN BSN degree (Two years of post-degree experience, prefe...

What is the Nurse-Patient Ratio According to Pakistan Nursing Council?

Understanding the nurse-patient ratio according to the Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) is crucial for ensuring proper healthcare standards in hospitals across the country.  However, it is important to acknowledge that nurse-patient ratios in many hospitals in Pakistan are currently far lower than the recommended guidelines. In this blog post, we will provide a detailed analysis and breakdown of the official PNC notification on this subject. The official PNC notification on this subject is given below. Official Nurse-Patient Ratio According to Pakistan Nursing Council: The PNC issued a notification (No. PNC F-7-14-Admin/2021/ 3702) on 25th May 2021, outlining the minimum nurse-to-patient ratio for hospitals across Pakistan. The guidelines provided in this notification are as follows:     General Hospital Units: In general hospital units, the nurse-to-patient ratio should be 1:3 beds, which means three nurses for every ten beds, with one reliever nurse for e...

Internship Guidelines 2021 by Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council

The Pakistan Nursing Council ( now called the Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council or PN&MC ) has introduced internship guidelines 2021 for undergraduate nursing students who have completed four years of college. The internship program must be completed in a PNC recognized hospital, which will offer PNC-specified clinical experiences. During this program, students will have a combination of practical and theoretical experiences that will enable them to acquire competency and experience to perform as an independent nurse. Successful completion of the internship period will result in an internship certificate, and students will be eligible to appear in the licensing examination.  Below are some frequently asked questions and answers from these guidelines. What is the nursing internship program in Pakistan? The nursing internship program is a one-year program for nursing students in Pakistan, which is taken after the successful completion of a four-year undergraduate...

SOPs for Managing Nurses’ Monthly Duty Roster Manually

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Managing Nurses’ Duty Roster Version 3 (January 2019) Developed By: Khalil Ahmed Head Nurse, CCU, IH, PIMS, Islamabad Description: The purpose of developing these SOPs was to create uniformity and clarity in the policies regarding nurses’ duty roster. This document has brought the already practised rule into written form. The first version of the SOPs was introduced in Emergency and Accident Center, PIMS in 2014.  Further improvements have been brought in the subsequent versions. Constructive feedback would be appreciated. A sample duty roster which incorporates some of these rules is attached. SOPs Rationales 1.        Days off available in a month: 1.1.     Weekly off: A nurse will be eligible to avail weekly days off equal to the number of Sundays in a month. Because every Sunday is an official day off, therefore, all nurses are eli...