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Showing posts from January, 2017

Islamabad Jobs 2017 Medical Officers, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Assistants

Prevalence and Perceptions of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Hospital Nurses in Pakistan: A Cross-sectional Survey

Prevalence and Perceptions of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Hospital Nurses in Pakistan: A Cross-sectional Survey Farooq A. Rathore , Rayan Attique, Yumna Asmaa Nursing is a professionally demanding job, and nurses are prone to develop musculoskeletal disorders. However, no data is available regarding its prevalence among Pakistani nurses. This study was conducted to document the pattern of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs) in Pakistani nurses and their perceptions about contributing factors and management of WRMDs. For more visit:

Indus Hospital Karachi Jobs

31 posts of BPS-18 and 43 posts of BPS 17 through Punjab Public Service Commission courtesy: Bushra A. Rehman

Permanent Government Jobs through Punjab Public Service Commission Shared by: Bushra A. Rehman 31 Posts of BPS18 ASISTANT DIRECTOR NURSING/ NURSING SUPERINTENDENT/ PRINCIPAL/ VICE PRINCIPAL/ NURSING INSTRUCTOR AT PGCN/ MID WIFERY TUTORS (PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SCHOOL) (Including 01-Post reserved for Disabled Quota and 02-Posts reserved for Minority Quota) on regular basis.  43 Posts of (BS-17)  DEPUTY NURSING SUPERINTENDENT/ NURSING INSTRUCTOR/ CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR (Including 01-Post reserved for Disabled Quota and 02-Posts reserved for Minority Quota) on regular basis Closing date: 9th February, 2017 To apply online, you can visit PPSC website here:

Manager Nursing, Charge Nurses at Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar

Manager Nursing, Charge Nurses at JobsLady Reading Hospital Peshawar

کیا یہ کھلا تضاد نہیں ؟

صحت کی ایمرجنسی سندھ میں نافذ ہے اور اقدامات خیبرپختنخواہ  اور پنجاب میں ہو رہے ہیں. کیا یہ کھلا تضاد نہیں؟ سندھ کے ڈاکٹرز اور نرسز تو کمیشن کا امتحان پاس کرنے کے باوجود آفر لیٹر نا حاصل کر سکے. یہ کیسی ایمرجنسی ہے؟ کیا یہ صحت کے شعبے کو ختم کرنے کی ایمرجنسی ہے؟

YNA and PNA Sindh are also active

Courtesy: Chandar Rathor

Breaking News! 1300 Government jobs for Nurses in Punjab

Breaking News! 1300 Government jobs for Nurses in Punjab Courtes: Junaid Ahmed

Apply nowIndus Hospital Jobs, Staff Nurses, Head Nurses, Clinical Nursing Instructor

Apply now Indus Hospital Jobs, Staff Nurses, Head Nurses, Clinical Nursing Instructor For more details visit:

رسک الاؤنس

رسک الائونس ہم ینگ نرسز ایسوسیشن پنجاب کو ان کی جدوجہد کی کامیابی پر مبارک بعد پیش کرتے ہیں اور میاں محمد شہباز شريف اور  سیکرٹری سپیشلائزڈ ہیلتھ کیئر اینڈ میڈیکل ایجوکیشن نجم احمد شاہ کے شکرگزار ہیں کہ انہوں نے نرسز کے اس مسئلے پہ توجہ دی۔ امید ہے کہ پنجاب کی نرسز پہلے سے بہتر انداز میں پیشہ ورانہ خدمات سرانجام دیں گی۔ اس کے علاوہ پنجاب حکومت سے گزارش ہے کہ پنجاب نرسز کے دوسرے دیرینہ مسائل جیسا کہ سروس سٹرکچر پہ بھی توجہ دے۔ تا کہ نرسز سڑکوں پر اپنے حقوق کے لئیے جدوجہد کرنے کے بجائے اسپتالوں میں مریضوں کی دیکھ بھال میں مصروف عمل رہیں۔ واضح رہے کہ پاکستان میں ایک عام آدمی کا تصور ہے کہ نرسنگ کے پیشے کا تعلق صرف انجیکشن یا ڈرپ لگانے سے ہے۔   جبکہ حقیقت میں موئثر علاج کے لئیے ایک مریض کے اسپتال میں قیام کے دوران تمام مراحل میں نرسز کا بنیادی کردار ہوتا ہے۔ بدقسمتی سے پاکستان میں نرسنگ کا شعبہ شروع میں مسائل کا شکار رہا لیکن اب یہ شعبہ ترقی کر رہا ہے۔ پنجاب کی نرسز کا دیرینہ مطالبہ تھا کہ انہیں رسک الاؤنس دیا جائے کیوں کہ ان کو اسپتالوں میں بہت سی خطرناک وبائی امراض...
AJK PM approves health package for Azad Kashmir 330 new posts of doctors, nurses and other staff would be created. State Nursing School, Mirpur, will be upgraded and  new nursing colleges in Muzaffarabad and Rawlakot will be established in next fiscal year. For more details:

Breaking News! PNC licensure exam results have been announced for Generic BSN. Visit the link to see the results.


پنجاب میں نرسز کا احتجاج رنگ لے آیا،

Registered Nurse - Paediatric Metabolic and Genetic Disorder, Service Line - Children's Hospital, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi Registered Nurse - Paediatric Metabolic and Genetic Disorder, Service Line - Children's Hospital, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi

Registered Nurse - Paediatric Metabolic and Genetic Disorder, Service Line - Children's Hospital, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi Link: via Instagram

Part 1: #Punjab Head Nurses and Change Nurses #Jobs at Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Multan

Part 1: #Punjab Head Nurses and Change Nurses #Jobs at Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Multan To see part 2 of the add visit this link:

Part 2: #Punjab Head Nurses and Change Nurses #Jobs at Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Multan

#Punjab Head Nurses and Change Nurses #Jobs at Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Multan. To see part 1 of the ad visit link:

Student Alert! Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme for Less Developed Areas (Selected Regions) Courtesy Imam Din Rind from PIMS

Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme for Less Developed Areas (Selected Regions) - See more at:

Good News!

Autogenerated PNC challan form system has been deployed today. Now applicants can generate their own. You can directly submit it to any branch of Habib Bank Limited. The link to generate and download challan form is: form

وزیر اعظم کی اعلان کردہ نرسنگ یونیورسٹی کی اراضی پر قبضہ

Good News!

Autogenerated PNC challan form system has been deployed today.  Now applicants can generate their own. You can directly submit it to any branch of Habib Bank Limited. The link to generate and download challan form is:

#Head #Nurses #Jobs BPS-17 without BScN Staff Nurses BPS-16 only with 1 year experience #Permanent #Government #Jobs

Head Nurses BPS-17 without BScN, Staff Nurses BPS-16 only with 1 year experience

Permanent #Government #Jobs Head Nurses BPS-17 without BScN, Staff Nurses BPS-16 only with 1 year experience, #Jobs #Karachi Municipal Corporation, South Karachi For more posts like this subscribe on email.

Daily Ummat news on admit cards of general nursing examsCourtesy Imamdin Rind, PIMS

Nursing Supervisor and Staff Nurses Required

It's a good opportunity for Nurses. Salary packages are usually good at Bahria Hospitals. Nursing Supervisor and Staff Nurses Required at Bahria International Hospitals, Rawalpindi and Lahore.

New PNC Challan Form

1. Download challan form from the downloads section of . The exact link of challan form is: 2. Submit fee in any  Habib Bank branch and get it stamped from the bank. 3. Scan the challan copy and upload it online Note: you can easily scan challan form using your cellphone which has more than 5 megapixels camera. You can use CamScanner app to scan challan form. link:

پندرہ ہیڈ نرسز کی گریڈ 18میں بطور نرسنگ انسٹرکٹر ترقی

پندرہ ہیڈ نرسز کی گریڈ 18میں بطور نرسنگ انسٹرکٹر ترقی لاہور: سیکرٹری محکمہ سپےشلائزڈ ہیلتھ کیئر اینڈ میڈیکل ایجوکیشن نجم احمد شاہ کی ہدایت پر محکمہ میں پروموشن کمیٹی کا اجلاس ہوا جس میں ترقی کی منتظر 15ہیڈ نرسز کو گریڈ 18میں بطور نرسنگ انسٹرکٹر ترقی دینے کی منظوری دیدی گئی۔گریڈ18میں ترقی پانی والی نرسز نے نسرین اختر ،سرگودھا ،حمیدہ بیگم، جہلم، چاند مبی... from in Pakistani Nurses

Post RN BScN admissions 2017-2018

Post-RN BScN admissions at college of Nursing and Midwifery Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi

Don.t take panga with medical person😉😉😉 Courtesy: Huma Choudhari

Don.t take panga with medical person😉😉😉 Courtesy: Huma Choudhari from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

#PakistaniNurses, the biggest #Nurses Social Media platform of Pakistan. You can follow us on: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Instqgram:

#PakistaniNurses, the biggest #Nurses Social Media platform of Pakistan. You can follow us on: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Instqgram: from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

زید ہسپتال میں نئی تعینات ہونیوالی نرسز کو تقرر نامے جاری Read more at:

زید ہسپتال میں نئی تعینات ہونیوالی نرسز کو تقرر نامے جاری Read more at: from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

English Composition

This is another online free course to who would like to improve their English writing skills. keep learning Dear nurses :) Improve your writing skills in this comprehensive introduction to English composition credit-eligible course. from in Pakistani Nurses

Inside IELTS - Free online course

Dear Pakistani Nurses Many of you are willing to do their IELTS test. This a link to an online free course from Cambridge University for IELTS preparation, it can be helpful for you. To join the course, click the link, make an account, then join the course, it starts today. Learn about the skills you need for IELTS Academic and beyond, on this free online course from the experts who produce the test. from in Pakistani Nurses

جنگ ادارتی نوٹ: نرسنگ یونیورسٹی، شعبہ صحت کا اہم سنگ میل

"اس منصوبے کے ذریعے نہ صرف صحت عامہ کیلئے ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی حیثیت رکھنے والے شعبے کی اہمیت کا سرکاری سطح پر عملی اعتراف سامنے آیا ہے بلکہ... ..."کیا ہی اچھا ہو کہ ہم مجوزہ شاہ حماد نرس...

Action against #private #practice during duty hours in #KPK Courtesy: Mr. Jahanzeb from PIMS

Action against #private #practice during duty hours in #KPK Courtesy: Mr. Jahanzeb from PIMS from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

January 06, 2017 at 09:22PM

On getting 15000+ likes on Facebook page of Pakistani Nurses, I would like to thank the admins for their contributions. I am also thankful of the wonderful audience of the page for being a part of us. I hope the team will continue to work hard in the year 2017. If you like our Facebook page, you can review the page by visiting the following link: You can also follow us on: Blog: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Tumblr: SMS: write “Follow PakistaniNurses” send to 40404 E-mail: Khalil Ahmed Jatt Founder of Pakistani Nurses Group of Social Media from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

January 06, 2017 at 04:44PM

PM performs groundbreaking of country's first nursing university in Islamabad PM said the Government is committed to improving the quality of human resource in nursing profession from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

January 06, 2017 at 10:22AM

وزیر اعظم آج اسلام آباد میں نرسنگ یونیورسٹی کا سنگ بنیاد رکھیں گے . from Pakistani Nurses Facebook Page

170 Posts of Charge Nurses

170 posts of Charge Nurses  in Nishtar Medical College and Hospital Multan has been announced today in daily Jang. You can apply till 21st January 2016. Jang   05-Jan-2017 (Thursday)  in  Jang

For free SMS about latest nurses #jobs, important #news, and updates about #nurses, follow us by SMS: write "Follow PakistaniNurses" and send it to 40404 from #Pakistan. #PaksistaniNurses

via Pakistani Nurses

Now you can also subscribe Pakistani Nurse posts by email. Follow the link to subscribe:

via Pakistani Nurses

The statistics provided on the new website of Pakistan Nursing Council are live. Which means that new additions would be updated on the website within minutes. Website link:

via Pakistani Nurses

رجسٹریشن سے مطعلق شکایات کے لئیے PNC کی نئی ویب سائٹ پر دئیے گۓ آپشن کا استعمال کریں۔ website link:

via Pakistani Nurses

پاکستان نرسنگ کونسل کی نئی ویب سائٹ پر دئیے گۓ اعداد و شمار براہراست ہیں . یعنی اگر ابھی نئی نرسز رجسٹر ہوتی ہیں تو ابھی یہ اعداد و شمار اپ ڈیٹ ہو جائیں گے . Website link:

via Pakistani Nurses
via Pakistani Nurses
via Pakistani Nurses
via Pakistani Nurses

یمرگرہ ، نرسنگ ایسوسی ایشن کے صوبائی انتخابات مکمل عنایت الحق صدر ،انور سلطانہ جنرل سیکر ٹری منتخب 04 جنوری 2017 Source:

via Pakistani Nurses

پاکستان کی پہلی نرسنگ یونیورسٹی کے لئیے 350 کنال اراضی مختص 6 جنوری کو وزیر اعظم نواز شریف سنگ بنیاد رکھیں گے

via Pakistani Nurses

نرسنگ کے پہلے انتخابات ‘جمہوری پینل نے میدان مارلیا منگل 3 جنوری 2017 پشاور۔ (اُردو پوائنٹ اخبارتازہ ترین۔ 03 جنوری2017ء)نرسنگ ایسوسی ایشن خیبرپختونخوا کے پہلے انتخابات میں جمہوری نرسنگ پینل نے کامیابی حاصل کرلی‘ صوبے کی سطح پر پہلی بار ہونے والے انتخابات میں جمہوری نرسنگ ‘یوناٹی نرسنگ پینل اور یوتھ نرسنگ پینل کے درمیان مقابلہ ہوا‘ جس میں صوبے کے 20اضلاع کے صدور اور جنرل سیکرٹری نے پولنگ میں حصہ لیا‘ کل رجسٹرڈووٹوں کی تعداد 40تھی جن میں سے جمہوری پینل نے 26ووٹ حاصل کرکے کامیابی حاصل (خبر جاری ہے) Source:

via Pakistani Nurses

یمرگرہ ، نرسنگ ایسوسی ایشن کے صوبائی انتخابات مکمل عنایت الحق صدر ،انور سلطانہ جنرل سیکر ٹری منتخب 04 جنوری 2017 Source:

via Pakistani Nurses

یمرگرہ ، نرسنگ ایسوسی ایشن کے صوبائی انتخابات مکمل عنایت الحق صدر ،انور سلطانہ جنرل سیکر ٹری منتخب 04 جنوری 2017 Source:

via Pakistani Nurses

نرسنگ سروس رولز وسٹرکچر پاس کرانا منشور ہے‘انورسلطانہ

via Pakistani Nurses

نرسنگ سروس رولز وسٹرکچر پاس کرانا منشور ہے‘انورسلطانہ

via Pakistani Nurses

Most Liked Blog Posts from PKN

Difference Between Post-RN BScN & Generic BSN (Updated 2023)

Are you confused about the terms BSN, BScN, Generic BSN, Post-RN, BS Nursing, and BSc Nursing? We receive many questions about these terms at PKN. This updated post will clarify these terms, especially in the context of recent changes in Pakistan. In short, the Generic BSN is a degree program for individuals who wish to join the nursing profession after 12 years of schooling, while the Post-RN BScN is a degree program for nurses who already have a three-year diploma in nursing.  Generic BSN The Generic BSN is an ideal option for those who want to enter the nursing profession in Pakistan. Previously, another option to join the nursing profession was the 3-year diploma in general nursing. However, according to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan's policies, the diploma in nursing was phased out across Pakistan in 2018.  The Generic BSN is a 4-year degree program followed by a one-year internship. An internship involves practical nursing practice in a hospital u...

New Nurses Uniform by Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council (January 2024)

The Pakistan Nursing & Midwifery Council (PNMC) has introduced a new uniform dress code for nurses working in clinical settings across the country. The announcement, in an official letter from the PNMC dated January 31, 2024, stated guidance about professional attire of nursing staff in Pakistan. The new dress code approved during the 6th session of the council held from January 15-17, 2024, under the leadership of Ms. Farzana Zulfiger, President of PNMC, specifies new uniforms for male and female nurses. Female nurses are to wear a dark blue shalwar kameez with a nameplate, accompanied by a white coat and a blue scarf/dupatta. Male nurses are required to wear dark blue scrubs along with a nameplate. Category Uniform Female Nurses Dark blue shalwar kameez with nameplate, white coat or blue scarf/dupatta Male Nurses Dark blue scrubs with nameplate Health Departments across Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber P...

PNC Eligibility Criteria for Faculty Appointment in Nursing Colleges in Pakistan

The Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), ( now called the Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council or PNMC ) is the regulatory body for nursing education and practice in Pakistan. PN&MC notified the eligibility criteria for the appointment of faculty members in nursing colleges. The PNMC's notification, which was issued in August 2015 (vide letter number F-11-PNC-admin/2015-723), outlines the minimum qualifications, experience, and publications required for nursing lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors. In this blog post, we will discuss the eligibility criteria in detail and answer some common questions about them.  Q: What are the minimum qualifications required for a Nursing Lecturer position in a college of nursing according to PNMC?  A: The minimum qualifications required for a Nursing Lecturer position in a college of nursing are: Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife with Post RN BSN degree (Two years of post-degree experience, prefe...

What is the Nurse-Patient Ratio According to Pakistan Nursing Council?

Understanding the nurse-patient ratio according to the Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) is crucial for ensuring proper healthcare standards in hospitals across the country.  However, it is important to acknowledge that nurse-patient ratios in many hospitals in Pakistan are currently far lower than the recommended guidelines. In this blog post, we will provide a detailed analysis and breakdown of the official PNC notification on this subject. The official PNC notification on this subject is given below. Official Nurse-Patient Ratio According to Pakistan Nursing Council: The PNC issued a notification (No. PNC F-7-14-Admin/2021/ 3702) on 25th May 2021, outlining the minimum nurse-to-patient ratio for hospitals across Pakistan. The guidelines provided in this notification are as follows:     General Hospital Units: In general hospital units, the nurse-to-patient ratio should be 1:3 beds, which means three nurses for every ten beds, with one reliever nurse for e...

The Florence Nightingale Pledge

Courtesy: Sabir Mehno PIMS I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully. I shall abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and shall not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I shall do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling.

SOPs for Managing Nurses’ Monthly Duty Roster Manually

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Managing Nurses’ Duty Roster Version 3 (January 2019) Developed By: Khalil Ahmed Head Nurse, CCU, IH, PIMS, Islamabad Description: The purpose of developing these SOPs was to create uniformity and clarity in the policies regarding nurses’ duty roster. This document has brought the already practised rule into written form. The first version of the SOPs was introduced in Emergency and Accident Center, PIMS in 2014.  Further improvements have been brought in the subsequent versions. Constructive feedback would be appreciated. A sample duty roster which incorporates some of these rules is attached. SOPs Rationales 1.        Days off available in a month: 1.1.     Weekly off: A nurse will be eligible to avail weekly days off equal to the number of Sundays in a month. Because every Sunday is an official day off, therefore, all nurses are eli...

Internship Guidelines 2021 by Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council

The Pakistan Nursing Council ( now called the Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council or PN&MC ) has introduced internship guidelines 2021 for undergraduate nursing students who have completed four years of college. The internship program must be completed in a PNC recognized hospital, which will offer PNC-specified clinical experiences. During this program, students will have a combination of practical and theoretical experiences that will enable them to acquire competency and experience to perform as an independent nurse. Successful completion of the internship period will result in an internship certificate, and students will be eligible to appear in the licensing examination.  Below are some frequently asked questions and answers from these guidelines. What is the nursing internship program in Pakistan? The nursing internship program is a one-year program for nursing students in Pakistan, which is taken after the successful completion of a four-year undergraduate...

Story of How Nursing Diploma Updraded to BSN Degree

After years of uncertainty about the fate of the diploma, the Pakistan Nursing council has finally abolished the General Nursing Diploma programme. The diploma would be replaced with a bachelor's degree in nursing, Generic BSN. This decision has not been taken suddenly. Like other diploma programmes in other fields, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) had indicated the replacement of the diploma with a degree in 2015. The HEC notification indicated that there would be no admissions in the 3-year diploma after the year 2018. The period of about three years was given so that all the stakeholders could make preparations for replacing the diploma with Generic BSN degree. The HEC notification was later followed by a notification by PNC. In a letter issued in 2016, PNC had also declared that the diploma programme will not be continued after the year 2018 and made further clarification that the batches inducted in the year 2018 will duly pass out in the year 2021. Des...

What is PNC Licensure Exam and Why is it Necessary?

by Khalil Ahmed Jatt, Head Nurse, PIMS, Islamabad  PNC Licensure Examination is a written test of the Generic BSc Nursing graduates that is conducted by the Pakistan Nursing Council to determine the preparedness of the graduates for nursing practice. Recently, the examination has been abolished by PNC due to some understandable reasons. Some people are of the view that PNC licensure examination for GBSN is unjust and unnecessary. Their perspective is based on the following arguments: When there are university exams then we do not need to appear for an extra exam. There is no licensure examination for the diploma holders therefore, there is no need for licensure exam for BSN graduates. Other healthcare professionals in Pakistan do not go through such examination, therefore this exam is unnecessary for BSN graduates It is not conducted internationally. PNC can not conduct a transparent examination. Many toppers failed in the licensure examination. Licensure exa...

New PNC Challan Form

1. Download challan form from the downloads section of . The exact link of challan form is: 2. Submit fee in any  Habib Bank branch and get it stamped from the bank. 3. Scan the challan copy and upload it online Note: you can easily scan challan form using your cellphone which has more than 5 megapixels camera. You can use CamScanner app to scan challan form. link: