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Unity in Diversity: A Christmas Celebration of Harmony and Hope at Rufaida

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By: Shabir Hussain Jhatial 

This year Hamdard University Attached Rufaida College of Nursing was assigned by the Hamdard University to arrange Christmas Celebrations with the theme , "Unity in Diversity" to foster unity among different segments of Pakistani society.

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The Deputy Speaker Sindh Assembly, Honorable Anthony Navid was the Chief Guest while His Grace Cardinal Arch Bishop Joseph Scouttis blessed this Celebratory-Cum-Thought Provoking event as Key Speaker.

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Besides University's Vice Chancellor Sayed Shabib-ul-Hassan & Deans of the University, a large number of christian families of students, employees and guests at Madanatul Hikmah Campus Gadap Town met to commemorate the happiness and joy on the Birth of Lord Jesus. 
The hall was twinkling with colourful lights baloons and a beautifully decorated twinkling ChristmasTree. The beautiful rhyms and christmas songs sung by carol further added the blissfulness of the X-Mas.

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The Chief Guest Deputy Speaker Sindh Assembly Mr. Anthony Naveed while speaking on the theme "Unity in Diversity" referred the Quid-e-Azam's vision expressed in his historic address on 11th August 1947 of inclusive society. He said that this vision was incorporated in the 1973 Constitution and now it is in implementing phase.

His grace the Cardinal Arch Bishop Joseh Scoutis who is also bestowed with Tamgha-e- Imtiaz by the State for his life long contributions for promoting Interfaith Harmony- said, "Pakistani society needs a healing touch together by all segments of the society. He mentioned his deliberations with Shaheed Hakim Said about how to foster unity among various segments. His Eminence the Cardinal Arch Bishop referred the Gaza War and Wars in Ukraine and Africa. He said the Lord Jesus was declared the Prince of Peace. 

The founder of Gospel Society of Pakistan Rev. Shafqat Gill said that the essence of Christianity lies in Love Forgiveness and Service. He said this is the panancea of our world full of conflicts and wars for petty interests the few. 

Professor Sarfaraz Masih spoke on how to reclaim the lost glory of Pakistan's theoritical base i.e a multi cultural multi religious, democratic and tolerant society as envisioned by our great founders. Professor said reminded of how christian soldiers defended Pakistan in 1965 war. He added that nursing has great potential to reclaim and build the tolerant Pakistan. While speaking Mr. Shabir Hussain - eminent Nursing Leader - reminded the audience about contributions of christian community in Pakistan Movement, defence and later on developing the newly established country referring to Quid's companion S.P Singha the great christian leader and Speaker of united Punjab Assembly whose decisive role helped Pakistan's creation.

The Registrar of Uni. Prof . Kaleem Ghias , various Deans and the Principal Rufaida-HCN, Prof. Alia Nasir delineated the traditions of Shaheed Hakim Said and that of her sole heiress daughter Chancellor Sadia Rashid (T.I) to promote inclusive culture within Hamdard University, in the attached hospitals and beyond in the larger society. Their consistent efforts are evident from the political and religious leaders presence in the University

The Momento were presented to His Grace Cardinal, the Deputy Speaker and to the speakers before a rich refreshment arranged by the University high ups.

#UnityInDiversity #ChristmasCelebration #HamdardUniversity #RufaidaCollege #InterfaithHarmony #PakistaniSociety #InclusivePakistan #ChristianCommunity #NursingLeadership #MulticulturalPakistan #QuaidVision #PeaceAndHarmony #ChristmasInPakistan #ShaheedHakimSaid #SadiaRashid
Unity in Diversity, Christmas Celebration, Hamdard University, Rufaida College of Nursing, Interfaith Harmony, Pakistani Society, Cardinal Joseph Scouttis, Anthony Naveed, Quaid-e-Azam Vision, Inclusive Society, Christian Community in Pakistan, Nursing Leadership, Multicultural Pakistan, Christmas in Pakistan, Shaheed Hakim Said, Sadia Rashid, Religious Harmony


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