PKN - Pakistani Nurses BSN Admission criteria for private sector colleges 2022
GOVERNMENT OF SINDH HEALTH DEPARTMENT Karachi dated 5th September 2022 NOTIFICATION NO.CcCHD)Admission-8SN/2022 With the approval of Competent Authority Le. Chief Minister, Sindh and pursuant to approval of Sindh Cablnet in is meeting held on 17.7.2021 at Agenda No.13 dlong with consent of Law Department, the Health Department, Government of Sindh ts pleased to notfy the Policy of Selection Criteria for Private Sector Colleges Admission in Generfc BS (Nursing) 04 years Degree Praogram 2022 for implementation henceforth, as under: SELECTION CRITERTA FOR PRIVATE SECTOR COLLEGES ADMISSTON IN GENERIC BS(NURSING) 04 YEARS DEGREE PROGRAM 2022 1. Education / Qualfication: . F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) with 55% minimum marks (with Physics, chemlstry & Biology as compulsory subjects) from any Board a Higher secondary Education, Sindh. 2. Domicile Must be holding domicile of Sindh Province. 3. Gender 50% Male and 50 Female Provided that: a. In case of male vacant seats of Sindh, female candldates shall be preferred for admission. b. In case of female vacant seats, male candldates shall not be preferred for admission and seats shall remain vacant Age: Between 18-35 years (as per Pakistan Nursing Council Rules) age wll be count yp to the ast dpte of submission of i.e application form.
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