Honorable Sir,
We, the representatives of the prestigious group of Nursing & Midwifery Professionals of Pakistan-NMLF Connect Pakistan" have been watching on media the students' protest and the suspension of one teacher Mr.Liaqat Hussain thereafter at School of Nursing PIMS on various media outlets with concerns.
Dear Sir,
On preliminary inputs from persons concerned, it seems the increased amount of stipends by your kind government were not being disbursed by bank checks in a transparent way rather students were made to stand close to a window, compromising the SOPs, and to receive deducted amount in cash. When one nursing teacher, Mr. Liaqat Ali Ogahi, also a member of the Finance Committee, urged the accountant the otherwise, he was manhandled by the ministerial office, and later, was suspended on their pressure. Afterwards, the students protesting over this unilateral and unjust action were locked in the hostel and protests are still continued. Your directives shall easily avoid further escalation in the matter.
Dear Sir,
As your goodself has verbalized repeatedly that it is a very testing time for the Health Professionals including nurses and students who some way or the other remain exposed to Covod-19 risk due to caring for the affected clients. In the wake of such circumstances, this avoidable matter causes concern not only in PIMS but beyond as well, affecting the care delivery.
We expect and request your immediate and kind efforts to get ensured students stipend disbursement transparently and to reinstate the suspended teacher who advocated SOPs and transparency in stipend disbursement maintaining the self-respect of nursing students. We are sure your prompt corrective action would reduce stress and boost the morale of our nursing workforce to maintain service providing in the smoothest way possible.
This is a consensus opinion and request from the most responsible professionals' discussion to be conveyed to you in the best interest of our institutions and the nursing workforce.
Sincerely Yours
Shabir Hussain ExDirector Nursing Sindh
Founder Member of
Nurses & Midwifery Connect Forum Pakistan
Karachi 03.07.2020
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