Different jobs for nursing professionals announced in February mostly on the basis of BSc Nursing degree. Charge nurses Jobs at Government Syed Mitha Teaching Hospital Lahore Nursing Lecturer posts at Mardan Institute of Nursing Male nurses jobs at Lahore Cantonment Board Nurses jobs at Evercare Hospital Lahore Clinical Nurse Educator jobs at Fauji Foundation Rawalpindi Professors, Associate professors, and Assistant Professors posts at SMBBU نرسنگ پروفیشنلز کے لئیے اہم سرکاری آسامیوں، معیاری پرائیویٹ اداروں کی آسامیوں، اڈمیشنز ، اور پاکستان میں نرسنگ پروفیشن کے متعلق دوسری اہم، مستند اور جامع معلومات کے لئیے ہمارا بلاگ وزٹ کرتے رہیں۔ ہماری اہم اپڈیٹس بذریعہ ای میل الرٹ حاصل کرنے کے لئیے نیچے دئیے گئے لنک پر سبسکرائب کریں اور اپنے ای میل ان باکس میں جا کر ہماری طرف سے بھیجی گئی ای میل کو کنفرم کریں https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=PakistaniNurses آپ کی ای میل کنفرم ہونے کے بعد ہمارے بلاگ پر ہونے والی اھم اپ ڈیٹس کے بارے میں آپ کو ای میل ملنا شروع ہو جائیں گی...
Are you confused about the terms BSN, BScN, Generic BSN, Post-RN, BS Nursing, and BSc Nursing? We receive many questions about these terms at PKN. This updated post will clarify these terms, especially in the context of recent changes in Pakistan. In short, the Generic BSN is a degree program for individuals who wish to join the nursing profession after 12 years of schooling, while the Post-RN BScN is a degree program for nurses who already have a three-year diploma in nursing. Generic BSN The Generic BSN is an ideal option for those who want to enter the nursing profession in Pakistan. Previously, another option to join the nursing profession was the 3-year diploma in general nursing. However, according to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan's policies, the diploma in nursing was phased out across Pakistan in 2018. The Generic BSN is a 4-year degree program followed by a one-year internship. An internship involves practical nursing practice in a hospital u...